Label: "central bank"

A gyenge forinttal teszteli a piac az MNB hitelességét
July 06, 2023 14:03

Time bomb of Hungarian budget to be neutralised in one fell swoop

Central bank to keep operating with negative equity

költségvetés kockázatok akna
July 04, 2023 13:04

Hungarian gov't leaves biggest 'landmine' in 2024 budget bill

Even last-minute amendment dismisses threat

varga mihály bef
June 29, 2023 14:55

Hungary gov't has an idea how to handle central bank's gigantic loss

Proposal has already been discussed

budapest szabadsag hid
June 27, 2023 11:21

Hungary financing need improves massively

Lack of EU funds is already apparent

vihar felhő
June 26, 2023 11:03

One scary graph to show why the Hungarian government is in deep trouble

The budget model is facing perhaps its biggest challenge yet

June 23, 2023 15:25

Can the time bomb of the 2024 budget be defused?

Government to shake off MNB loss

munkanelkuli dolgozó worker
June 23, 2023 10:22

How can Hungary keep dodging unemployment?

Central bank economists delve into labour issues

varga mihály parlament pénzügyminiszter
June 22, 2023 16:04

This is how the Hungarian government is raising taxes in 2024

Central bank staff calculates tax hikes

Döntött az MNB: jön az azonnali átutalás
June 22, 2023 11:38

Hungary central bank vexed by inflation of banking and telecom services

Inflation Report published

Megmondta a tutit az MNB: soha nem látott ábrák a biztosításainkról
June 20, 2023 16:50

Hungarian central bank raises its inflation estimate

While keeping GDP projection unchanged

June 20, 2023 14:00

Hungary central bank takes step towards lowering benchmark rate further

Press conference, updated estimates to follow

parlament 2024-es költségvetés varga mihály pénzügyminisztérium
June 19, 2023 09:08

It's official, hundreds of billions of forints are missing from next year's budget

They either rewrite the draft budget or break the law

bankkártya fizetés laptop kártya
June 15, 2023 16:09

Hungarian payment practices on 10 graphs

Electronic payments continue to grow, cenbank data show

Titkok és tévhitek a készpénzről - Íme az igazság egyenesen az MNB-től
June 14, 2023 16:40

Amount of currency in circulation hits 15-month low in Hungary

Central bank data show

Megállította a forintesést egy fontos szint
June 13, 2023 09:46

Markets do not fancy Hungarian minister's proposal to tweak inflation target

An irresponsible proposal when inflation is still so high

nagy márton
June 12, 2023 11:20

Hungary Development Minister Nagy urges cenbank to set inflation target higher

Higher CPI goal would help real interest rates drop, he argues

infláció bolt beváráslás fogyasztás kisker
June 08, 2023 10:44

Hungary cenbank inflation measures also show substantial easing

Underlying inflation retreats too

költségvetés kockázatok akna
May 30, 2023 15:00

Hungarian government is building a castle on a swamp - blindly

FinMin submits 2024 budget bill to Parliament

May 26, 2023 16:13

Hungary cenbank amends required reserve system

MNB carries out technical modifications

matolcsy györgy parlament
May 23, 2023 15:40

Hungary chief urges earliest abolition of price caps

György Matolcsy holds press conference